
Docker Commands

Container Orchestration

when one container is becoming out of load and capacity to hold more users and data processing new instances of the container need to be spawn.
Container Orchestration contains tools that make this process easy and automated.
docker service create --replicas=100 nodejs

There are various docker orchestration solutions available some common are:

  1. Docker Swarm from docker
  2. Kubernetes from Google
  3. MESOS from Apache

In docker you might run one instance of container like this:
docker run my-web-server

but in kubernets you run multiple instance of them like this:
kubectl run --replicas=1000 my-web-server

you can scale them if 1000 arent enough
kubectl scale --replicas=2000 my-web-server

you can even roll update into them
kubectl rolling-update my-web-server --image-web-server:2

or rollback updates if it made them unstable
kubectl rolling-update my-web-server --rollback

1. Node - Is a machine physical or virtual on which kubernetes and its set of tools installed.
In nodes there are worker machines where containers will be launched by kubernetes.
2. Cluster - Is a set of nodes grouped together so even if one node fails your application will be still accessible by other active nodes.
3. Master - Is a node where kubernetes control plane component installed. Master manages the nodes and it responsible for actual orchestration of containers on the worker nodes.

Some commands of kubernetes

Run a cluster
kubectl run hello-mincube

Get Cluster info
kubectl cluster-info

get nodes
kubectl get nodes

run 100 instances of my-web-app container images
kubectl run my-web-app --image=my-web-app --replicas=100